الجمعة، 5 أكتوبر 2012

Water treatment, water is life

Water treatment, water is life

The water will be about two-thirds the surface of the earth, and this also applies to the human body, that God created the earth, he said to him, Be was, where is the water about two-thirds the weight of rights, and enters the water in the installation of all cells, which is essential for life and for its survival, and great truth of God while He said: "We made from water every living thing."
And water is essential for treatment as is necessary for life, and so he is used to treat many diseases and health problems, and these uses were known since ancient times, and still even now, with some increases and recent discoveries.

Therapeutic uses of water:
• water is used to treat fever and be put cold water compresses on the front and top of overheating, or bathing when increasing fever, as well as up to drink water to compensate for the lost due to evaporation of water through the skin due to high temperature.• narrated from the Prophet peace be upon him and carrot drink Zamzam water and it's what I drank him and they taste food and heal sickness.• water is used to treat dehydration caused by fluid loss due to vomiting or diarrhea, and be done by mouth in simple cases, or intravenously in severe cases.• used moist warm compresses to treat muscle and joint pain, are also used gags cold or snow for the same purpose.• Use water treatment for pain relief and rehabilitation for patients with severe pain and stiffness in the joints, or after stroke neurological, and have it in basins like swimming pools filled with warm water, and be used sometimes vibrations and waves of water topical to help ease the pain.• Use water to purify the body of impurities and toxins in alternative medicine, and by refraining from food for a certain period of time, the patient after a certain amount of water, and engaged him enemas to wash the intestines and cleaned.• According to the water in the skin purification and preservation young and washing the face a few times every day, and this carried out by Muslims every day during ablutions.• water is used to relieve weight, and be drinking water before a meal to a sense of fullness, and drinking when you sense the desire to eat between meals or when you want a drink or sweetened natural Kalmnbhatt or soft drinks.• humidifiers are used to moisturize the air with water vapor to alleviate the drought in the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.• sit baths are used to treat wounds in the pelvic area, such as hemorrhoids, anal fistula, and after surgical operations in the anal region and after birth.• Use cold water to relieve the symptoms of allergies and wash the face and eyes of the sensitivity of the eyes and nose, or bathing in cold water to reduce skin sensitivity and urticaria.

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