just a heart pumps blood? .. Heart roles .. important
Is just a heart pumps blood?
D. Tawfiq Benjelloun TouimiSurgeon
Physicians and scientists studied the physiology and long-standing human heart, and considered it just to pump blood, no more no less. But with the beginning of the twenty-first century with the development of heart transplants and artificial heart and growing these operations significantly, some researchers began to notice strange and puzzling phenomena did not find her explanation so far!It is a phenomenon that changed the psychological state of the patient after a heart transplant, and since then began some unanswered questions urgently:• What are the other roles of the heart?• What does self-heart and mind?• Is there a relationship between the heart and the brain?• Is there a relationship between the heart and faith?The big question is why did not mention the brain as the center of the mind in the Koran, where whenever Male mind, and only linked to heart?Perhaps the Koran has answered most of these questions and others, and in detail.So what are you see other roles for the heart?Heart rolesCreates heart before the brain in the fetus, and starts pulse since its formation, and even human death. Although scientists believe that is the brain that regulates heartbeat, but they noticed something strange, during heart transplants, when put new heart into the patient's chest, pulse starts immediately without waiting for the brain to give him command pulse.This refers to the independence of the work of the heart to the brain, but some researchers today believe that the heart is the one who directs the brain at work, and every cell of the heart her memory! Dr. Schwartz says that our history is written in every cell of our body.
Scientific Facts heartThe
heart is the engine that feeds more than 300 million million cells in the human
body, and a weight (250-300) g, which is the size of a fist. At
the very heart patient can weigh up to 1000 grams due to
heart since I was a fetus in the womb of your mother (after 21 days of
pregnancy) to work to pump blood around the body, and when you become an adult,
pumping your heart in the day more than seventy thousand liters of blood and so
every day, this amount pumped during systole and Anbassath ,
it contracts or beats every day more than a hundred thousand times, and when it
becomes age 70 years your heart has to pump a million barrels of blood during
Is just a heart pumps blood?
Physicians and scientists studied the physiology and long-standing human heart, and considered it just to pump blood, no more no less. But with the beginning of the twenty-first century with the development of heart transplants and artificial heart and growing these operations significantly, some researchers began to notice strange and puzzling phenomena did not find her explanation so far!It is a phenomenon that changed the psychological state of the patient after a heart transplant, and since then began some unanswered questions urgently:• What are the other roles of the heart?• What does self-heart and mind?• Is there a relationship between the heart and the brain?• Is there a relationship between the heart and faith?The big question is why did not mention the brain as the center of the mind in the Koran, where whenever Male mind, and only linked to heart?Perhaps the Koran has answered most of these questions and others, and in detail.So what are you see other roles for the heart?Heart rolesCreates heart before the brain in the fetus, and starts pulse since its formation, and even human death. Although scientists believe that is the brain that regulates heartbeat, but they noticed something strange, during heart transplants, when put new heart into the patient's chest, pulse starts immediately without waiting for the brain to give him command pulse.This refers to the independence of the work of the heart to the brain, but some researchers today believe that the heart is the one who directs the brain at work, and every cell of the heart her memory! Dr. Schwartz says that our history is written in every cell of our body.
the heart through the blood of all body cells with oxygen, cells take oxygen to
burn in making their own food, and put carbon and toxic waste that takes blood
pumped through the heart to the lungs purify the blood and put carbon.
course take the lungs of oxygen we breathe, and put carbon through the process
of breathing (inhalation and exhalation), the transport network of blood through
your body any of the arteries and blood if I arrived with some of them for a
length of one hundred thousand kilometers!!
Heart-brain relationshipIs the brain controls the work of the heart as scientists say, or is it vice versa? The science of medicine is lagging behind!! This admittedly Western scientists themselves, they are totally unaware delicate processes that occur in the brain, do not know how remembers human things, and are ignorant of why sleep rights, and why heart beats, and what makes this heart beats, and many things are unaware, they publish their research what they see only They have no absolute rule, but everything they have experience and observation and the senses.But as Muslims we have absolute truths are the facts narrated by the Quran 14 centuries ago when he emphasized in many of its verses, that the heart is the center of emotion and thought and mind and memory. Thirty years ago only began some researchers note a relationship between the heart and brain, but also noted that the heart of a role in the understanding of the world around us, and the story began when they noticed a strong correlation between what is understood and felt by the human, and the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing in the lungs. Hence some researchers began studying the relationship between the heart and brain. They found that the heart affect the electrical activity of the brain.Scientists did not prove that the heart has nothing to do with emotion, but no one can prove it, because they could not reveal all the secrets of the heart, so when we say that the heart is the one who directs the brain at work, this speech logical and there is no Enaweh scientifically, and more importantly, he agrees with the Koran.Thing hard scientifically, that the heart communicates with the brain through a complex network of nerves, and there are messages shared between the heart and brain in the form of electrical signals, and confirms some scientists that the heart and brain are working consistently and harmony wondrous, if there is any defect in this harmony appeared unrest immediately.
Dr. Armor says the heart of a special system in processing information coming to
him from different parts of the body, so the success of heart transplantation
depends on the nervous system of the heart transplant and its ability to cope
with the patient.
Brain heartThe
accepted explanation for this phenomenon is that there are cells within the
human heart special programs for memory are stored all the events
Man passes, and these programs send this memory of the brain processes it.We note that the heart rate varies depending on the situation psychological and emotional man, and according to Dr. Armor that there brain is very complex located inside the heart, in the heart of more than forty thousand neurons working very carefully to regulate heart rate, and the secretion of hormones, and storage of information, is then sent information to the brain, this information plays an important role in understanding and awareness.So the information flow from the heart to the brain stem, and then enter the brain via special passages, and to direct the brain cells to be able to understanding and comprehension. Therefore, some scientists today they create centers interested in studying the relationship between the heart and brain, and the relationship of the heart psychological and cognitive processes, after they realized the significant role of the heart in thinking and creativity.
Heart-brain relationshipIs the brain controls the work of the heart as scientists say, or is it vice versa? The science of medicine is lagging behind!! This admittedly Western scientists themselves, they are totally unaware delicate processes that occur in the brain, do not know how remembers human things, and are ignorant of why sleep rights, and why heart beats, and what makes this heart beats, and many things are unaware, they publish their research what they see only They have no absolute rule, but everything they have experience and observation and the senses.But as Muslims we have absolute truths are the facts narrated by the Quran 14 centuries ago when he emphasized in many of its verses, that the heart is the center of emotion and thought and mind and memory. Thirty years ago only began some researchers note a relationship between the heart and brain, but also noted that the heart of a role in the understanding of the world around us, and the story began when they noticed a strong correlation between what is understood and felt by the human, and the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing in the lungs. Hence some researchers began studying the relationship between the heart and brain. They found that the heart affect the electrical activity of the brain.Scientists did not prove that the heart has nothing to do with emotion, but no one can prove it, because they could not reveal all the secrets of the heart, so when we say that the heart is the one who directs the brain at work, this speech logical and there is no Enaweh scientifically, and more importantly, he agrees with the Koran.Thing hard scientifically, that the heart communicates with the brain through a complex network of nerves, and there are messages shared between the heart and brain in the form of electrical signals, and confirms some scientists that the heart and brain are working consistently and harmony wondrous, if there is any defect in this harmony appeared unrest immediately.
Man passes, and these programs send this memory of the brain processes it.We note that the heart rate varies depending on the situation psychological and emotional man, and according to Dr. Armor that there brain is very complex located inside the heart, in the heart of more than forty thousand neurons working very carefully to regulate heart rate, and the secretion of hormones, and storage of information, is then sent information to the brain, this information plays an important role in understanding and awareness.So the information flow from the heart to the brain stem, and then enter the brain via special passages, and to direct the brain cells to be able to understanding and comprehension. Therefore, some scientists today they create centers interested in studying the relationship between the heart and brain, and the relationship of the heart psychological and cognitive processes, after they realized the significant role of the heart in thinking and creativity.
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