الجمعة، 5 أكتوبر 2012

Medical information damages the benefits of coffee

About Coffee .. damage coffee .. coffee benefits .. Medical InformationDamage excessive drinking coffee:1 - insomnia, irritability, tremors, dizziness and diarrhea2 - causes caffeine in increasing the amount of lime posed with human urine, so the excessive drinking coffee is one of the factors leading to osteoporosis, especially in women after their entry age please.3 - pregnant women in binge drinking coffee has offered to abort the fetus or lack of weight when placed.Caffeine such as alcohol could retard the growth of the body or some members when the fetus.4 - Medical studies have shown a relationship between caffeine in coffee and cystic fibrosis among women.5 - increasing the proportion of heart disease when diners coffee a day, including more than five cups.6 - showed Studies and Research Scandinavian relationship between coffee and blood cholesterol and heart disease. Has been shown by these studies is that pedophiles drink coffee are often in a more popular on smoking or doing business that require sitting a lot or turnout on fatty foods and all of the many factors causing disease heart.7 - noted that coffee hamper the work of burning sugar by the liver and prepare the human body for diabetes.8 - the outcome of the above, what does coffee lovers? The answer is that drinking one cup to three cups a day is healthy not to worry., But can take advantage of them.As it turns out that a lot of drinking coffee with a pattern of improper lifestylesSuch as smoking, for example, lead to damage to health.The benefits of coffee:1 - drinking coffee by moderate as we said earlier reduces the craving for sugars such as sweets and coffee because it encourages the adrenergic gland secretions that cause high blood sugar. But on the other This interest is harmful to kidney patients which caused him to defect in this gland.2 - Some scientists have suggested in their research on the stimulant effect of caffeine in mental activity and mental work.Common mistakes warn herThere Dear reader three common mistakes committed by most people in the coffee and drink it, namely:1 - preference roasted coffee is good blond well-roasted coffee black.2 - drinking coffee foam. Preferably boiled coffee until foam disappear entirely.3 - to eat coffee dregs and a lot of it in drinking coffee is harmful.New research advises thus:Do not drink coffee and the reason is caffeinated and which is similar to the impact of alcohol and cigarettes and inherited the owner then illness and addictive diseases.But how resist drinking coffee?1 - may worry about the first two days, physically and psychologically then back yourself and consolidate after leaving drinking coffee in order to preserve your health.2 - is your habits practiced when you drink coffee.3 - Let you quit coffee on your vacation.4 - Use alternative drinks decaf.5 - Finally, if you can give them not come back to it.

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